Sunday 20 June 2010

I have a job....already!?

I can't believe it. I can't fucking believe it! The first day I go out with CV's and two hours later I get a phone call and I have a trial shift at Pizza Express on Saturday =D! It's extra fantastic as Fatticus-Headicus, and another friend of mine (who I'll call Metal-Mouth) both work there to which will be so fun :D. It's just a trial shift but I think I'll get it because I'm willing to work really hard.


Went out last night to see Tango-Boy's friend's bend play and they were fantastic. Me and Liam got quiiiite drunk and concequently this morning the hangover was quite fantastic. Liam was all grumpy but I cheered him up by using his arms to imitate him being a thunder bird...I laughed A LOT! And he did too :D


Friday 18 June 2010

Nothing to do!

It's so weird. All my exams are done! =D They all went well but History's questions were very odd, but it could have been a lot worse. Ohhh well. I have nothing to do now, it's bizarre!
Been chilling out the last couple of days and I think I'll relax this weekend cause I think I deserve it after all that bloody revision. But on Monday it's all CV's and attempting employment.

I hope I manage otherwise I'll end up like these guys...
And lets be honest I wont fit in...I'm JUST not cool enough! :(

I'm looking forward to tomorrow as me, Tango-Boy, Fatticus-Headicus, Yorkshire-Personified and possibly Face-Bag will be going to watch Tango-Boy's friend's band play. Should be a good night =D


Zombies and Exams

Ohhhh dear. Saturday was pretty awesome! Me and face-bag got zombied up and headed to the Turks, met Fatticus-Headicus and Yorkshire-Personified (her boyfriend), got stupidly drunk, played with a duck, hugged Mario and ate a whooole lotta fake blood! True story.


Have done two of my three exams and have the last one tomorrow. I was talking to Face-Bag today and I realised I'm not scared about the exams I'm scared that such a huge part of my life ends tomorrow and I don't really know whats next.


Friday 11 June 2010

Running + History = FUN!!!

¬_¬ The most sarcastic title so far I think.
Yeah i went for a run, which was shit, I felt like I was going to die and walked at least a quarter of my planned route (which wasn't far as it is) but hey it's a start right :) Plus these last few days I've eaten really well so I'm hoping it'll start to drop off. Don't want to lose too much though for the friends who are reading this, so don't worry ;). It's fair enough if they did worry as I have taken this way too far in the past but never again, it was silly and obsessive and more importantly made me soooo boring. All I thought about was food and exercise, I'd rather be chubby and good company lol.

I'm revising history at the moment which is soooo much fun I've just HAD to take a break other wise it would have got too much....-_- I hate history about as much as I hate running but they both will be good for me in the long run (get it hahahahaahaha...) so I'll have to just suck it up and get on with it!

Tango-Boy's over about 3-ish I think but he's useless for that kind of thing so he'll probably just show up when it suits him, i mean that in an affectionate way...kind of :)
And I shall be mooching over to the humble abode where Fatticus-Headicus lies in wait of tea and tales of my adventures...which will be pretty fascinating I'm sure considering other than going to the bathroom and eating I have preeeettty much been revising none stop.

Need to guilt trip her and make sure she revises. She's really clever I'd hate to think of her missing out or being a couple marks of a grade over something she could have know :( I want her to be as happy as the rest of us will (hopefully) be on results day. I think me and Face-Bag are going equally insane due to lack of direct sunlight and social normal non-Internet-based communication lol. But still the zombie party is sooooo on, me and Face-Bag have now decided on two bottles of wine....This could end either very well, badly or with a lot of vomit.

P.s. I have wated this dress for like 5 months and now it's £3.50 online :D I am so getting it when my cheque clears



Thursday 10 June 2010

Dad Boiling Rabbits and Zombies

My dads currently making rabbit stew and oooohhh my god it smells so good. He was cutting them in half with a cleaver while screaming and sticking his tongue out, which was a tad disturbing but meh I'm hungry and it's food. Trying to eat healthy at the moment (which involves a lot of humus and very little cake) and going to go running tomorrow. I've put on a lot of weight the last couple of months I think it's normal when you get in a relationship but I feel fat which isn't nice and more importantly isn't really me.

Got a leaving/birthday/leaving/birthday party on Saturday lol true story. Two birthdays two people leaving. It's zombie Hollywood glamour theme :D I'm so excited if I'm lucky I might look as sexy as this guy...


Yay. I haven't figured out all of the logistics yet but I'm thinking it'll be good. All i know if Face-Bag's coming over there will be wine and hair straighteners -_- weee meeeaaan busssinesss!


Tuesday 8 June 2010

Tango-Boy and Flying the Nest

Ahhhhh I feel like I've gone from talking about boys and gel pens and stickers to home insurance, curtains and smoke alarms overnight! Lol. OK slight exaggeration but still I feel like it's all come so fast but in a good way. Gonna be so weird actually living on my own, well with Face-Bag but essentially with out any body even remotely grown up :P
Just about having the money really though as I said to Face-Bag soon it's going to be CV city for me when my exams are done. I'll bloody take anything! (Touch wood).
Me and Face-bag were talking about how we've been getting all excited about bowls and curtains, it's like we're seventy.

For example how cute are these ice cube trays!!! :D


Gay I know but you have to think about these things :)

Tango-Boy came over today...after he'd been hard at work all day, just to give me a hug and wish me well for my exam, which I thought was very sweet. I really have realised how much I love him in the last couple of weeks. I think it's cause we're seeing less of each other as I've had so much revision and the like. I'm going to put up my favorite picture of him, partly cause I'm ghey and party because I'm always secretly paranoid all my pictures will get lost off my hard drive so I like to keep them online some where :).


It's probably not the best picture of him but it is my favorite :D

Have my theatre exam tomorrow morning so I need to get some sleep. My clock on this blog is all off I have no idea what time zone i'm on lol it's actually about nine thirty at night.
There have been ice cube trays and gel pens and now my friends I shall leave you, and return no longer a theatre student....but a woman 0_0 (see how I went all dramatic cause i have a drama exam ahahahahahaah...¬_¬)


Monday 7 June 2010

Theatre and Film night

Well tomorrow is my last day as a Theatre Studies student! Last day of revision for Theatre. It's weird. My exam's Wednesday morning, and considering how much work I've done I'm not worried, I really feel like I deserve a good grade :) and already have a good grade in my practical exam (picture below of me in ventriloquist dummy make up which was part of it lol) and good grades in my exams last year. Will miss it though.


Face-Bag's coming over tonight to watch some films and chill which'll be nice cause we haven't had a night in in a while especially on a Monday night as Monday nights are gay night so we usually go out on the town. We're not gay but the crowds so much friendlier, the drinks whhhay cheaper and the men slightly less creepy...apart from when they have better legs than us ¬_¬. Monday nights out are kind of our thing and oh some of the's some of my faves of me, Fatticus Headicus and Face-Bag pissed and being gay :).


Fat-Head and Moi doing the poker face lol I don't think she quite got it.


Me and of my prouder moments I must say lol.
