Tuesday 1 June 2010

Me, myself and I (and a couple of others I guess)

Well...this seems like a pretty good place to start because...
A.) this is the beginning of a new pretty big chapter of my life and
B.) that new chapter involves A LOT of revision and this offers sufficient procrastination from time to time (I'm only human).
It's hard to know where to begin when your supposed to summarise 18 years of self to someone. I was born in a small town to humble beginnings and thus...kidding. I'm Zee, well that's what friends call me, I'm 18 and have just finished college with plenty of exams still to look forward to.
I have no idea what I want to do with my life which is scary to say because a month or so ago I thought I had every detail planned, but it's amazing how much you can delude yourself you want something if its the easier option :)

I'm currently working for my A levels and once I'm done I'll be doing a degree in....something next year and hopefully end up teaching....something lol. In case you haven't guessed the finer details have not been worked out yet. The here and now, however, has as I'm moving in with a very good friend of mine (for the purposes of blogging we'll call her Face-Bag). I've known Face-Bag for 16 years so pretty much since we started to realise other people existed. It's nice to have a friend where you can say you can't imagine your life with out them and mean it not in a soppy way but completely genuinely. I actually can't remember NOT being friends with her. Weird.

And then there's the new one who me and Face-Bag feel we almost know as well as we do each other (for the purposes of blogging we shall dub her Fatticus-Headicus, of Fat-Head for short). Me and Face-Bag have known her two years so pretty much since the start of college and I think her friendships pretty much the best things college has given me. She's mental so she fits right in.

And now comes the lover boy. I'm in a very loving relationship with a guy who I have known and has been my best friend for about 5 years (For the purposes a fore mentioned he now shall be Tango-Boy). We got together about 3 months ago but because we had been friends for so long the love seemed to come before the relationship. It was like the end of a bad film when the half-starved-man-dependant-Yankee-girl realises the guy who's been helping her get over all the half-gorilla-sex-dependant-Yankee-men was there all along and they run into each others arms, cue vomiting and eye rolling on the part of the intelligent half of the audience...tears from the other half. Luckily I am neither half-starved, man-dependant, or a yank lol and it wasn't so much running into each others arms as so much us both repeatedly saying "I love you" by accident and freaking out at the fact (in his words) it kept "falling out of our faces". I do love him a lot, it's very early days and love isn't always enough, but I do, completely :) .

Soooooooooooo that's quite a ramble right there...WOW! Sorry :D
Quick fire facts you guys need to know and then I shall leave you...
1.) I hate milk, bananas and most of all...banana milkshake lol
2.) I love hippos and butterflies but if I had to choose I'd be a duck!
3.) I'm not huge fan of children...I have to be able to give them back if they cry/poo/puke/stab me in the eye with something sharp.
4.) My boyfriend is going in the navy this time next year so he'll be away months at a time
5.) I smoke, drink and in terms of drugs am pretty open minded
6.) I'm not school indoctrination beat that out of me pretty quickly
7.) I don't like being alone
8.) I hate people seeing me cry...just doesn't happen
9.) I'm a really optimistic person.
10.) I do volunteer work all the time and I love it, there are days when you know you've made a difference and it's worth so much more than money
11.) I have a serious knicker addiction I actually worry about it sometimes.

So that's everything you need to know and so now I'll fill in background as an when I come to it



Chloe said...

The Fatticus-Headicus thing made me laugh again :L