Friday 11 June 2010

Running + History = FUN!!!

¬_¬ The most sarcastic title so far I think.
Yeah i went for a run, which was shit, I felt like I was going to die and walked at least a quarter of my planned route (which wasn't far as it is) but hey it's a start right :) Plus these last few days I've eaten really well so I'm hoping it'll start to drop off. Don't want to lose too much though for the friends who are reading this, so don't worry ;). It's fair enough if they did worry as I have taken this way too far in the past but never again, it was silly and obsessive and more importantly made me soooo boring. All I thought about was food and exercise, I'd rather be chubby and good company lol.

I'm revising history at the moment which is soooo much fun I've just HAD to take a break other wise it would have got too much....-_- I hate history about as much as I hate running but they both will be good for me in the long run (get it hahahahaahaha...) so I'll have to just suck it up and get on with it!

Tango-Boy's over about 3-ish I think but he's useless for that kind of thing so he'll probably just show up when it suits him, i mean that in an affectionate way...kind of :)
And I shall be mooching over to the humble abode where Fatticus-Headicus lies in wait of tea and tales of my adventures...which will be pretty fascinating I'm sure considering other than going to the bathroom and eating I have preeeettty much been revising none stop.

Need to guilt trip her and make sure she revises. She's really clever I'd hate to think of her missing out or being a couple marks of a grade over something she could have know :( I want her to be as happy as the rest of us will (hopefully) be on results day. I think me and Face-Bag are going equally insane due to lack of direct sunlight and social normal non-Internet-based communication lol. But still the zombie party is sooooo on, me and Face-Bag have now decided on two bottles of wine....This could end either very well, badly or with a lot of vomit.

P.s. I have wated this dress for like 5 months and now it's £3.50 online :D I am so getting it when my cheque clears




Chloe said...

Only one more day and then we get to get ridiculously wasted!!

What website is the dress from? x