Saturday 5 June 2010

Pubicus Maximus

Urrrrg............ --_____--

In case you haven't guessed I was at the fabulous pub last night and then proceeded to come home and go next door which belongs to my old English teacher (Who we shall dub JJ). Any way they've just moved back in because a year ago a pipe burst in their house and steamed the whole house, they were away at the time so everything was ruined. The insurance company rebuilt everything and they turned out very lucky as the house looks great now :).

But as I was saying there was a lot of booze in following in the pub and quite a bit of wine and port at JJ's and so I am feeling ever so slightly tender this morning lol. Still it's my day off revision tomorrow :D and I get to stay at Tango-Boy's tonight. We're going to his god daughter's (who shall be furthermore know as Moo) 2nd birthday? 3rd birthday? I don't know... shit. I hope I bought the right card lol. I'm pretty sure it's her 3rd. But anyway it should be fun. I have to go as I have matters to attend to before I go to work :)
