Friday 4 June 2010

Revision...Fun tiiiimes!

So 6 hours a day now for the foreseeable future....Blllaaaag! It'll be worth it in the end though and i have my theatre resit on Wednesday sooo it's not all bad at least my exams are out of the way early. Face-Bag and Fatticus-Headicus's exams start on the date of my last one which really sucks for them and kind of for me to. At least i can start applying for summer jobs early and get a leg up :)

Do need a job though! Keep thinking about me and Face-Bag getting a place and it makes me sooo excited but also shit myself a little because I have no means to pay for this wonderful idea. I think I'll be OK though because I have experience in all areas waitress and shop work, good grades and I tend to get on with customers well on account of me being hugely polite. I tend to work on the philosophy that I'm a good person therefore everything will be OK because it has to be. It might be naive but it's worked for me so far :D

Fatticus-Headicus had a BBQ night before last and it was quite eventful. First the £1 BBQ went out, no one saw that coming, so we cleverly used the bricks and slate (leftover form Fat-Head's garage being knocked down) to built a basic fire pit and then proceeded to burn all the wooden furniture her previous neighbours had left behind. It wasn't quite as mad or primal as it all sounds. it was really fun. There's nothing quite like building a fire and cooking over it there's something so natural about it! Even when you start it with lighter fluid and cook sat next to a bag of tile grout in a concrete

Had Tango-Boy stay over last night and it was lovely. We're such different people but so similar it makes no sense. We were sat there having gone to the super market for food, me eating mussels in garlic butter and him eating a pizza It was a really nice evening though just watching crappy TV, trying to wrestle each other and laughing about how funny the word 'fork' is...and general tom-foolery along those lines.

Annnny way that is sufficient procrastination from revision I think It's amazing how many things you can find to do INVOLVING revision but that isn't ACTUALLY revision. Like going out and buying highlighter pens or sorting out and separating all your lined and plain paper or most importantly writing a blog about your revision, and procrastinating by writing about procrastinating. I'm actually impressed with myself.
